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Landing Page Forums 3D Printing Silent Sands: Tips & Tricks for Success

  • Silent Sands: Tips & Tricks for Success

    Posted by jornw on 31/12/2024 at 8:39 AM

    Having spent hours playing Silent Sands in CoD: BO6, I’ve learned a few strategies that can help you get the upper hand. The map’s open spaces and dynamic weather make it unique, but with the right approach, you can thrive.

    If you want to get more COD BO6 information or CP, U4GM has comprehensive game information and channels to buy COD BO6 CP!

    1. Use the terrain to your advantage: The sand dunes on the outskirts of the map may look simple, but they provide great cover for long-range fights. If you’re playing a sniper or marksman role, use these dunes to stay hidden and get the jump on enemy players trying to push through the open.

    2. Don’t neglect the interior spaces: Silent Sands has an intricate network of underground bunkers and building complexes. These areas are perfect for SMG or shotgun users. If you find yourself in these areas, always be ready for close-quarters combat. Use flashbangs or stun grenades to clear rooms before rushing in.

    3. Watch out for the sandstorm: The weather can be a double-edged sword. During the storm, your visibility will be drastically reduced, so I recommend sticking to hip-firing or using thermal scopes on your weapon. If you’re caught in the storm, you’ll want to keep an ear out for enemy footsteps since sightlines will be almost non-existent.

    4. Use UAVs to scout: Because the map has wide open spaces and dynamic elements, UAVs become incredibly useful in Silent Sands. Use them to track enemy movements, especially when the storm rolls in. They’ll give you valuable intel to navigate the shifting battlefield.

    5. Communicate with your team: With the weather mechanics and the size of the map, communication becomes vital. Always call out positions when engaging enemies in the open.

    jornw replied 1 month, 3 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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